Receive 1 plant 4 - 6 Inches tall in 2.5 Inch container No Bloom - I am the strap-leaf vanda orchid. I made my way to Hawaii from the Philippines, Malaysia and the Himalayas, but here I'm grown extensively as a commercial crop. I bloom on upright spikes which sprout from between strap-shaped leaves, hence, the name strap-leaf vanda. Each spike will produce three to 12 flowers, and last a long time, around 20 to 30 days in perfect form! I am the strap-leaf vanda orchid. I made my way to Hawaii from the Philippines, Malaysia and the Himalayas, but here I'm grown extensively as a commercial crop. I bloom on upright spikes which sprout from between strap-shaped leaves, hence, the name strap-leaf vanda. Each spike will produce three to 12 flowers, and last a long time, around 20 to 30 days in perfect form!
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Package quantity: 1