Pre-Made Curse - Evil Co-Worker - Curse An Evil and Malicious Co-Worker With Bad Luck and Poverty

Is one of your colleagues besmearing your good name? Damaging your reputation? Spreading lies and slander? Maybe even ridiculing you to your face? With this baneful working, we will put a stop to their insolent behavior. This curse will bring a variety of misfortunes and sprees of bad luck upon the culprit in no uncertain terms and through no small means.

We will analyze the situation on your behalf, and decide on the best course of action in order to address this bothersome individual on your behalf.

As a final note, you are always able to request more powerful and/or customized versions of our Pre-Made Curses through using the different tiers of our Custom Curses also offered in our store.


Important Information Before Buying Curses:

Our Pre-made Curses Series contains an arsenal of baneful magick that we have decided to put at your disposal. Because we are not here merely for profit, and we do not believe in blindly cursing others, we request the following things from you:

1. You must read this listing carefully.

2. Upon reading this listing carefully, you will find out that you must contact us before purchasing any and all curses from our store.

3. We ask this of you because we will not curse innocent individuals, and so, we will want you to share with us the reasons for why you are requesting the curse.

4. We will then do divination on the matter for you, for free. We will do divination on this matter, and only on this particular matter, for free.

5. Once we have determined that we are cursing someone on your behalf with proper cause through the aforementioned divination, we will allow you to purchase the Curse(s) of choice.

6. We will then await your checkout, perform the transaction, and we will proceed carrying out the Curse or Curses on your behalf.

Again, we will require you to contact us before purchasing this listing! Failure to do so will result in either an automatic refund of the amount spent on the curse, or we will ask you to choose something of lesser or equal value from our store to replace the curse instead. Do not purchase this listing before contacting us!


Other Policies and Cautions before purchasing:

1. We will require you to tell us your full name and full date of birth in order to perform Magick for you, and we also request as much information as you can give on the recipient.

2. Curses may take months to come to full fruition. Give the magick time to work.

3. There is no room for regret once you puchase this listing. Once the curse is cast, we will not retract it from the recipient unless you purchase an Uncursing from us to remove the curse you had placed on the individual if you change your mind.

4. Baneful magick requires that the person requesting a curse be responsible with such workings; they are not "fun", nor are they something to play around with. If you are not convinced you wish to do this, then you are likely not ready to proceed with this.

5. You agree, upon purchasing of this listing, to absolve us of any and all responsibility to the effects and side-effects of this baneful working.



We cast our spells directly on the recipient. We will not ship you items. Please be aware of this before purchasing. As a result, there will no shipping costs.



Be advised that we will not sell any of our items to clients below the age of 18.

Please also be aware that for medical conditions, whether mental or physical, you should always consult the appropriate trained, licensed professional. The items sold in this store are not a replacement or substitute for professional help.

The law requires that we state that these items are listed "For Entertainment Purposes Only." We are not liable for any and all misusage of this item, nor can we guarantee that these items will work magically.