Magickal Ring. White Acrylic Ball and Blue Topaz set in a Peacock design. Beautiful just like you! Size 8. From our Vintage Collection.
Tried tested and Proven to be 100% Effective! Does not need to be worn to experience the Magick. Paperwork will be mailed with the Vessel.

This spell MAKES YOU BETTER FROM the INSIDE OUT! I would never, ever be without mine! A MUST HAVE VITAL SPELL. You've got nothing to lose-- except perhaps 10-20 years off your looks! Be young again. Someone out there is in desperate need of this vital BOOST. This is not a superfluous or superficial spell. This is a very important part of your destiny. Looking and feeling right about your appearance is of the utmost importance. This is where you will begin to gain back the confidence. Take back the years you may have lost or wasted doing things you wish you hadn't done! This is where you become in control of yourself and others. I am letting this go for a very low price because I have a DISTINCT feeling this is a VITAL part of a certain someone's immediate growth!! You know who you are!!! If you feel the goosebumps, or the hairs prickling on your arms and neck. ACT NOW!!! This is a destiny piece. These physical reactions are a sign. Your life is about to open up into a wonderful garden of play and joy and love. As you can see, there's more to this spell than just looking good!!! Many Blessings. Anna.
Note: A question that I was asked recently, and I thought important to share the answer with you. Q. If I own more than one vessel cast with the same spell will this increase the overall power of the spell, or will I just own two vessels? A. YES, IT WILL AT LEAST DOUBLE THE POWER OF THE OVERALL SPELL. It is a highly desirable procedure in Spell-Casting to Multiply a spell in this way. There is a mechanism at work wherein the duplicated spells, combine to become greater than the whole. So, YES, it is beneficial to do this.
I've been trying hard to update Madam Crawley's spells with some of the exuberant accounts and exciting emails we have received. I am so touched by all of them, and if I don't post yours, it's not because it's any less exciting or important. I'm doing it randomly and letting the spirits guide me. Here is an email from a lovely lady named Beth who lives in Utah. She has purchased so many of Madam Crawley's spells, and has had huge success with all of them. Since her childhood Beth had been unhappy with her appearance.
"Hi there Anna I want so much to tell you about my success with the Spell for Young Again and Beauty. Its made me feel so good about myself. At first i was worried that it might not work on someone as ugly as me. No i'm not joking or making an exaggeration i really am unfortunate in that sense. My hair is always been stringy and limp and my skin is always breaking out for any stupid reason. I never been married or had a boyfriend for more than a few months at a time. I guess they get sick of looking at me and my body is always been misproportioned. Could call me an old spinster. I got lumped with tiny breasts and huge butt and thighs which my mother and sister have to. But enough complaining. I am speechless at the result with this spell. I don't even understand how it can happen. My skin was the first to get better. I have the spell for 2 month remember? So after only few days skin gets clear. Really shiny and bright looking. I'm almost 50, and it look seriously like 30 year old. Then, my hair start getting thicker. So strange Anna how does it work? How can my limp hair get so fuller and shiny? Then my body start to slim out and first I think I must be imagining it but people start asking me what I'm doing and if I'm on a diet which I haven't diet at all! So things keep getting better and better. I feel confident about myself now. I see men look at me and for once i don't think they are wondering about how I can be so ugly, I think maybe they like me??? You certainly made me happy Anna thank you and please if there's ever anything I can do for you please let me know. I'll be back for more treasures soon. I hope you can share this email with others so they might get a chance to see real magic to."
This is ONE POWERFUL SET OF SPELLS!!! This item is cast with a series of intricate spells used for thousands of years by people such as Cleopatra herself. Countless beauties and dashing lords have used this spell combination to make themselves gorgeous. Watch the wrinkles begin to disappear, and observe as the opposite sex becomes more and more interested in you again. You will feel--and BE-- fitter, younger, happier and more attractive. This in turn will reflect in your self confidence.
I can understand why this very powerful set of spells has been coveted by so many for so long. Madam Crawley has been performing this rite for over 50 years. She has helped so many people feel better about themselves with this Youth Magick. And it's really, honestly true. You really will see the difference. You will see a more beautiful, younger, vibrant YOU, looking out of the mirror!!!
Good Luck & Many Blessings!

For those of you unfamiliar with Madam Elizabeth--she is considered among the inner Magickal Circles (especially in Europe) as the utmost authority on all things paranormal. She is also a profound and ultra-talented Spell Caster. Madam Elizabeth can cast spells for almost anything. She is High Priestess of The Coven Of Union (This name is a pseudonym, to protect the identity of those witches who choose to remain anonymous.) Prior to Madam Crawley's assent to High Priestess, Mrs. McTavish held the position. Mrs. McTavish has since passed over, but we do have some of her Spell-Cast Vessels still available for interested Collectors. Madam Elizabeth lives in England and the pieces she sends me are mostly jewelry. Some new, some very old. IN this store we will now be offering a variety of ways to acquire these spells which has not previously been an option for us. Many have been with us from the beginning and have become very dear friends. Over the years I have received countless letters and emails from our happy customers telling us of huge lotto wins, massive business successes, loves won, boundaries broken, illnesses cured, and the list goes on and on and on!! I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world to be involved with this Magick and to be a vital instrument in getting this Magick to its New Owners. The Spells, Vessels and Customer Care you will receive are SUPERIOR!!! Our Customers are Chosen Ones. We know that Destiny has brought us together and you are of the utmost importance to us. This is why we go to all lengths to make sure you are thrilled and happy with your Magickals. We will do WHATEVER it takes!
Madam Elizabeth & The Coven do not want to charge a lot for these pieces as it is VITAL to share their Magick with the ordinary folk who need it the most. Many of these Vessels are DESTINY Pieces, and will be chosen for you. They already lay in your destiny's path, and are simply waiting for you to collect them. This is VERY EXCITING MAGICK & VERY EXCITING TIMES. AND I AM SO THRILLED THAT WE HAVE FOUND EACH OTHER.
Madam Crawley, High Priestess of the Coven Of Union in Sussex, England. I've simply fallen in love with her. I've never met a more enlightened, generous and powerful lady in my whole life. Obviously she is very old, but treats life with so much joy and passion... She has truly taught me to see every day as a special miracle.
I have personally been privileged enough to witness Madam Crawley Spell-Casting first hand--the love, care and concentration she puts into it is completely AWE-INSPIRING. Madam Elizabeth is a Master at Lunar Phasing, Tarot, Herbs and all types of spell formations. She is a Medium, and Psychic, and a natural gifted and technically trained Witch. She HAS IT ALL! For many years now I have witnessed and been the recipient of her WONDROUS MAGICK, and I cannot express how honored, thrilled and completely MAGNETIZED I am by this BRILLIANT lady.
I do just want to say there is much more information available on Madam Crawley if you look through our other sites as well. You will find many accounts, and incidents in these descriptions. It's just too much data for me to go through and compile for now, but please do read the listings, they are not just about the items, but also have a lot of valuable information in them. Also, Madam Crawley has agreed to contribute stories and antidotes and precious advice for the Newsletter Plus you will get 3 eBooks on Magick FREE! Message me for more info.
Many of you are aware of the wonderful spell-casting abilities of Madam Crawley. She is a MIRACULOUS person and a dear friend. My life would not be the same with out her radiance within it. I look forward to my phone conversations with her immensely. Her customers return time and time again and my heart is constantly up-lifted by the emails I receive and the wonderful stories I am told of lives changed, fortunes gained, and happiness found!
The Coven is always based in a rural part of England. It has recently been based in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. The Coven moves occasionally to maintain secrecy of actual location. The name COVEN OF UNION is a pseudonym, again used to maintain secrecy. The Coven Of Union is the "hub" of Europe's underground society of Wiccan and Pagan Magickal Arts. This includes White Magick (Wiccan) and Gray Magick (Pagan). Neither of these branches are related to Black Magick.
White Magick is the most pure and holistic form of Magick and has a beautiful settling effect on all who come in contact with it. It cleanses and aligns energies holistically. White Magick uses the recipients own energies and aligns and guides those energies with the required patterns to achieve harmony and the intended outcome of the spell.
Gray Magick is far older and more rare that White Magick. Pagan Magick originates thousands of years B.C. and was all but eradicated by the advent of Christianity. In the church's attempts to wipe out Paganism they took many of the Pagan Symbols and Deities and "Demonized" them. For instance the popular image of the Christian Devil is really a "Demonization" of the Pagan Horned God, Baphomet, who was not evil but a true Deity and worshiped for thousands of years as the male counterpart of the Mother Goddess.
The Coven Of Union is comprised of The Top Thirteen most accomplished, revered and talented Witches in Europe. Together they practice Pagan Grey Magick & Wiccan White Magick. These are the most qualified, caring and fascinating women you could ever wish to meet. I have witnessed their wonders first-hand, and cannot even express how excited I am that they requested me to share their Magick with you. THIS IS A VERY SPECIAL TIME.
For those of you unfamiliar with the coming of the New Age, it is also known as: The Golden Dawn. The world will be upturned, and everything will change. but don't fear, just remember, every time a door closes another one opens, and you'll be there, ready to walk through into the New Golden Age. YOUR TIME TO SHINE!!