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Galangal, (pronounced guh-lang-guh),??? in Thai, is often found in recipes from Thailand (where it is a common ingredient of curry pastes), Indonesia and Malaysia.
Galangal is also found in many herbal medicines and remedies. It is often made into an infusion (tea) for consumption to aid stomach pains or indigestion.
It is very rarely found in seed form. Normally just the root (the rhizome) is found and sold as fewer than 1% of plants will produce seeds.
You will get @ 15 seeds to grow your own.
Having a distinct peppery flavour, it is a very aromatic plant.
It is commonly called Thai Blue Ginger but it tastes completely different from ginger. Do not make the mistake of substituting one for the other in cooking.
You will get @ 15 seeds to grow your own.
I strongly recommend using fresh galangal as it tastes bests and it is difficult to achieve the same flavour with its dried, ground powder.
The seeds are slow to germinate, normally taking about 4 to 8 weeks.
Plant individual seed in their own three or four-inch plastic pot with a depth of about 1/4 inch (about 6cm). Cover with about 1/4 inch of the growing media.
The pots should have a pre moistened growing media of equal parts of peat moss, loam and sand.
Cover the pots with cling film so forming a mini greenhouse environment.
Move the pots into a warm, bright location. The location should have a consistent temperature of between 69 and 75 (21 and 24 deg. Celsius) at all times.
Ideally, expose to 8 - 10 hours of light daily. also should be available. Germination of the seeds can begin in as little as 7 days, but can take up to 8 weeks.
Move the seedlings into larger containers when they're about 2 to 3 inches tall.
When they are a few months old move out to a full sun location, (if available) please ensure the soil does not dry out.
Established plants need little care and maintenance as they are hardy and not susceptible to pest attacks. Water to keep the soil moist and fertilize once a month. Prune off dried leaf stalks. The flowers are yellowish white in colour. The fruit is small, about 1.25cm diameter and berry-like or pear-shaped. It turns from green to yellow to blood red when mature.
Grow for a season before harvesting.