Released on August 1, 1941: Young policeman Tom Brady tries to keep the young boys of the tough Bowery neighborhood out of trouble, but the local gangsters have other ideas.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 2min

Director: Wallace Fox

Actors: Leo Gorcey (Muggs McGinnis), Bobby Jordan (Danny Breslin), Huntz Hall (Limpy), Keye Luke (Clancy), Warren Hull (Officer Tom Brady), Charlotte Henry (Mary Breslin), Bobby Stone (Monk Martin), Donald Haines (Skinny), Ernest Morrison (Scruno), David Gorcey (Peewee), Martha Wentworth (Mrs. Brady), Jack Mulhall (Officer Nick Sherrill), Eddie Foster (Slats Morrison), Dennis Moore (Dorgan), Tony Carson (Dutch), Pat Costello (trainer), Dick Ryan (Police Lieutenant), Jack Carr (George, truck driver), Bill Cartledge (Johnny Ryan, boxer), Jack Chefe (Nick, card player), Minerva Urecal (Picklepuss, reform school matron).

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