365 Nights in Hollywood

Released on December 10, 1934: A washed-up movie director working for a bogus acting school discovers a new hot blonde actress and tries to make a come-back movie starring the girl he wants to marry.

Directed by: George Marshall

Written by: James A. Starr with screenplay by William M. Conselman and Henry Johnson

The Actors: James Dunn Jimmy Dale, Alice Faye Alice Perkins, Frank Mitchell Percy, Jack Durant Clarence, John Bradford Adrian Almont, Grant Mitchell J. Walter Delmar, Frank Melton Frank Young, John Qualen Professor Herman Ellenbogen, Lynn Bari showgirl, Dorothy Bay student actress Miss Jessup, Brooks Benedict dancing boy, Nina Borget French girl, Margaret Brayton young wife, Tyler Brooke casting director, Donald Brown dancing boy, Betty Bryson showgirl, Duke Burgess dancing boy, Fran Carlon young wife, Bud Carpenter dancing boy, Russ Clark electrician, Jimmy Conlin student actor Heeber, Frank Conroy studio executive, Ray Cooke assistant director Eddie, Warren Crosby dancing boy, Jay Eaton effeminate man, Larry Fisher electrician, Pat Flaherty dancing boy, Harry Fox dance director Joe, Jean Fursa showgirl, Helen Gibson student actress, James Gonzalez dancing boy, Enid Gray elderly lady, Harrison Greene boarder, Ben Hall student actor, Arthur Housman drunk motorist, Perry Ivins lyricist, Al Klein prop man, Helen Lindeloff Dutch girl, Lois Lindsay dancer, Bo Ling Chinese girl, J.A. Massett young husband, Nelson McDowell thinking man, Paul McVey cameraman, Gene Morgan fresh guy, Pat Moriarity gateman, Thomas Murray dancing boy, Dennis O'Keefe dancing boy, Ted O'Shea dancing boy, Paul Parry young husband, Ruth Peterson waitress, Jessie Pringle Mrs. Carey, landlady, Addison Richards Assistant District Attorney, Gloria Roy waitress, Lorraine Rugg Lorraine, Paul Schwegler student actor, Gay Seabrook student actress, Ed Stanbridge dancing boy, Carl Stockdale bookkeeper, Betty Stockton showgirl, Frank Sully Mr. Sully, student actor, Blanca Vischer Spanish girl, Max Wagner taxi driver, Ethel Wales Mrs. Lipke, Richard A. Whiting Dick, pianist/composer, Harry Wilson student actor, Ernest Wood agent

Runtime: 1h 17min

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