Should You Stay or Leave....?


Welcome, my name is Victoria Zasikowski and I've been reading the cards for many years. I've spent the last 4 on the world's best known auction site but they have now banned readings there, so I am here instead. I have a 100% rating there and over 4,200 feedback which Bonanza has kindly imported for me :)






Orders placed Saturday or Sunday will be done Wednesday

Orders placed Monday or Tuesday will be done Friday

Orders placed Wednesday,Thursday or Friday will be done Monday

PLEASE FACTOR IN TIME ZONE DIFFERENCES – eg if you live in Australia, you are 10 hours ahead of me which will likely add an extra day’s wait given I sometimes don’t begin work until 12 noon UK time.





If you are trying to decide whether to remain in your relationship or leave it, this psychic reading is the one for you. I will give you very honest insights though so please be prepared for an answer that might upset you , or that disagrees with your own thoughts about things. This reading will determine if things are reaching their natural conclusion - if it is time to move on , or if it is still worth fighting for. It is quite a succinct reading involving a couple of cards and a paragraph or so at most. This is usually suffice to address most issues as there is, after all, only so many sentences I can write to convey the essence of the message the cards have for you. PLEASE DO NOT ANTICIPATE A LONG WINDED READING. This reading is not for indepth insights into your relationship issues - you already know about those. This is simply to address should you stay or go, and will ONLY look at that issue. If you want a longer reading  you would need to buy the LOVE PROBLEMS READING.




 Your full name and date of birth

 Their  name and date of birth

  How long have you been together

Please advise if one of you is having an affair

 Your email address

I ask for these little bits of personal information as it helps me to get a strong connection to you and the other person when I begin to do your psychic reading. All information given to me is completely private.Email me via messages with your details please and if there's any other information you feel to be relevant, please include it .Please be prompt about sending me your info as I prefer not to have to chase people up ;)


Do remember to check spam for emails from me and also ensure your registered email address is up to date :)




New legislature requires that all psychic consultants advise prospective clients that psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only. You must also be aged 18 or over if you wish to order a psychic reading. Psychic readings are no substitute for professional advice so should not be viewed as such.