We decided to offer up a very rare, special and one-of-a-kind djinn to our procurers. This amulet contains an Egyiptian female djinn, who holds dominion over beauty, wealth, health, protection, life, luck, charm, seduction, fame and psychic powers.
But her greatest talent is to bring immense beauty and vast wealth to her new Master or Mistress. When employed towards a goal, she works wonders and brings swift and incredible results.
Just by touching her amulet will send energy wawes into your hands. When you wear it around your neck, she will be connected with you instantly and manifest to you in a way, such as in your mind's eye, as an orb of light, in a mirror, in a dream, etc.
She is very kind and helpful and will never harm you, your family, children, friends, pets, etc. in any way. She will be your eternal ally and companion, who will guide you along your path towards success.
We will include with her amulet two candles, mineral stones, two special oils, a spell scroll, incense and all these in a beautiful wooden vessel, that is also enchanted to be a charging vessel to keep the items safe and powerful.
We will only reveal her name to her new Master or Mistress.