Gabriel's Financial Empowerment is a blessing from Archangel Gabriel to help you with your finances. The blessing will be individually tailored to your needs to help you in the best way possible. It may not mean an instant windfall. The best possible solution for your situation may mean getting a different career or adjusting your lifestyle. It's one thing to get cash, but, sometimes it is even better to have a new life that suports youo more financially.

Sometimes becoming more financially sound is not just about making a larger amount of money. It may be that housing expenses are too high and it's time to move to a cheaper place. This may seem like a setback. However spirit may have a blessing for you in the move. Perhaps by ligtening your load, you will be free to express yourself more authentically in your life.

Career changes and business adjustments may also be part of the solution. When caught in the problem of looking at an immediately diestressing financial situation, we may be unable to think clearly or see the bigger picture.

The energy of this empowerment can help give you new insight and see a new path laid out in front of you.

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