This very special ring is a transfiguration relic, able to transform your soul into a demon. It also contains a DEMON KING to help you on your journey and give you advice and help you in your life.

From our special collection!

It will make you feel healthy, vibrant, powerful and fill your home with demonic energy. The Secret energy of POWER AND WEALTH!! It's worth a fortune just as that, but such an important vessel is bound to be loaded with all kinds of Demonic Magick!
Does not need to be worn for the Magick to be active

No bonding ritual is required, the demon transfiguration ring is ready to serve you.

The owner of this vessel is about to become extremely powerful and rich!!
WEALTH, SUCCESS, LOVE, ADVENTURE, LUCK, HAPPINESS, ENLIGHTENMENT, PEACE, CHARISMA, LUCID DREAMS, VISIONS AND PERSONAL MAGICKAL ABILITIES, MIND CONTROL, HEALING ... plus miracles that will ring true to "your ears only!" Those deepest desires that you barely dare even admit to. They will start manifesting before your very eyes!

You can also travel to other dimensions, disguise yourself as anything you desire.

You are going to get EXACTLY what YOU WANT. So be sure that you really desire serious change in your life. If you want MONEY AND SUCCESS AND POWER, then your servitor demons will be always at your beck and call and you can give them commands to FULFILL YOUR EVERY DESIRE!!!

We can tell you that this DEMON TRANSFIGURATION RING is SERIOUS about making your life a pleasure. About bringing you riches and success and happiness.

To activate it's powers, simply wear the Ring. As the vessel touches your skin, it's energies are activated with yours. This starts a 5 day bonding period, during which the two of you will become acquainted. You do not NEED to wear the vessel after the initial contact to your skin is made. This is a different energy casting to some of our other offerings. You will start to feel the effects almost immediately! You will soon witness Him making an appearance in your dreams, visions, or during meditation. This will be a thrilling time for you! The DEMON KING will appear in your dreams after you touched the ring and will always be there to lend you aid.

You can wish for practically anything, and even if you don't feel you expressed it quite right, it doesn't matter. He will know what it is you're trying to achieve.... When the energies are triggered by the touching of the Vessel on your skin, you are ready to start making wishes. Here is a list of a FEW things you can wish for. This list is only to give you some ideas. YOU are the one who gets to CHOOSE. After you became a demon, you can have ANYTHING YOU DESIRE.


Instant Money

Lottery Success

Mind Control

Mass Manipulation


Sexual Prowess

Astral Projection

Healing ALL kinds of illnesses and diseases

Good Luck

Eternal Peace, Happiness and Prosperity

Weight Loss, Better Hair

Curse Removing

Protection from Gossip and Bad Luck 


Remember, this list is just to remind you of a few things you might desire. Only YOU know what it is you really want, and THAT my friend, will soon be YOURS!

The powers of a demon are for YOU ALONE, just imagine an Entity of this magnitude with nothing to do but GRANT YOUR WISHES!!!