Ultimate Ormus is a Super Concentrated Proprietary Blend Ormus trace minerals supplement obtained from Colloids, Dead sea, Himalayan, Hawaiian, Mediterranean Sea and others, ORMES- Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements originate in the mineral Kingdom, and are the foundation of Ormus. These Ormes are stored in the salts of the planet's oceans. Some of the known Ormus elements are Colbalt, Copper, Palladium, Nickel, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Gold, Platinum, Silver, Osmium, Iridium yet they are not in their metallic form and all have a place in our physical well-being. Ormus quickly delivers trillions of these monatomic particles connecting you to your subtle energy body thereby opening up a person's many acupuncture points and restoring the proper flow to these starved locations, thus bringing the body back into ease and providing the correct energetic template for future cellular regeneration. This re-established direct physical connection to your energy body greatly assists one in removing unhealthy energy stagnation and blockages that have become established over the years. Energy Booster, a deeper more rested sleep, Hair and nail growth, Anti-aging, DNA repair, less pains, increased cognitive skills, less moodiness and sadness, mediation, more alertness, eye-hand coordination, overall feelings of well-being, and many more benefits for you and your pets will enjoy.
The farm lands have been depleted of the natural minerals decades ago. Farmers today use the NPK agriculture, which is based on growing crops with a bare minimum of (three) elements, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. As a result, we develop a structural mineral deficiency while ingesting heavily sprayed pest and weed toxins which disrupts hormonal and nervous systems, unfortunately many people experience sickness, disease and a shortened life.
Ormus is Life Energy and is sorely needed as a counter weight to all the death energy we are exposed to on a daily basis through our food, GMOs, lead in drinking water, medicines, electromagnetic fields, cell phones and radioactivity due to the flourishing war industry. This negative energy keeps us sick, dumb and distracted. Ormus helps you to realize your true potential to a higher consciousness of Mind, Body and Spirit.
Water is a big factor in a good Ormus. We use a distilled high spin vortexed, opposing magnetic field disruption, harmonically balanced revitalized water. Tap, mineral, spring or well water is never used because of impurities.
Promotes improved mental attitude and emotional states. Promotes improved cellar metabolism. Its believed to increase the electrical transmission across the synapses within the brain to improve memory, increases mental alertness and promotes general tissue regeneration of the neurological tissues. Iridium has a balancing effect on all levels of body, mind and spirit.
(2) Rhodium
Rhodium is assumed to assists in melatonin production and the regulation of sleep, immune enhancement, thymus and adrenal restoration, Iridium promotes hormonal balance, Human growth Hormone (HGH) production, tissue regeneration, also DNA restoration and enhancement. Like Silver and Gold Rhodium assists in the efficiency and performance of the neural circuitry in the synaptic connections. These elements increases clarity and strength of the brain, making multitasking simpler and more natural ease. They also increase the vividness of dreams and help recall them.
(3) Ruthenium
Ruthenium is thought of as a stealth atoms and it is known that body cells communicate with each other by way of stealth atoms through a system of light waves, thus Body light. This increased conduction translates to results is that ruthenium resonates with the DNA, dismantles the short helix and rebuilds it again correctly. As a magnifier, ruthenium often times provides users with more energy, faster memory recalls and retention. Lucid dreaming is common and plays a role in hair loss reversal directly.
(4) Osmium
Osmium has special chemical properties. Promotes a significantly increased life span.
(5) Gold
Gold has a balancing and harmonizing effect on all levels of the body, mind and spirit. It is used to improve mental attitude and emotional states. It has been reported to promote feelings of increased energy, will power, mental focus and libido. Gold increases mental acuity and the ability to concentrate.
(6) Colbalt
Colbalt increases the formation of red blood corpuscles in the bone marrow. It accelerates maturation and extends the lifespan of blood cells. Helps the small intestines in the absorbtion of iron.
(7) Copper
Copper increases the body"s ability to absorb iron. Boosts collagen supply to promote smooth supple skin. Functions as a antioxidant and maintains a strong immune system. Slows the process of graying hair.
(8) Nickel
Nickel promotes self healing and has regeneration properties.
(9) Platinum
Platinum promotes healthy tissue regeneration. It is believed to increase the electrical transmission across the synapses within the brain to improve memory, increase mental alertness and promotes general tissue regeneration of the neurological tissue. Also helps relieve aches and pains.
(10) Silver
Has known antibiotic, viral, mold and yeast properties.
DOESAGE: One Teaspoon about 5 MLs Daily. Can be used in drinks, Shampoos, bath soaks, in cooking or on pet food. Additional information is sent with each order. A 8oz. (250 MLs) Bottle is a 40-50 day supply.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease.