This is a Curt Teich real-photo lithograph, #4A371, with no writing or mailing. Clean overall, but for a small stain on the lower-right corner. No tears or creases, but some minor corner wear. The back gives a lengthy description, reading:

"CARVEL HALL, fronting on Prince George Street, is a stately old structure, erected in 1763 by William Paca, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. During his term as Governor in 1782, this house was the center of many brilliant entertainments. Still retaining all the charm and daintiness which has characterized it since pre-revolutionay days, Carvel Hall is now a modern hotel of one hundred and fifty rooms, in the heart of Colonial Annapolis - a hundred yards from the Naval Academy and less than two squares from Maryland's historic State Capitol, which was the first capitol of the United States. Here, Winston Churchill wrote his famous novel 'Richard Carvel'."