32 Qt Portable Freezer
-4℉ - 68℉ Cooling Range & AppControl & 45dB Low Noise
This superior portable smallcar refrigerator has a modern appearance with a simple black andsilver color assortment. A compact design, digital control panel,and two power cables are ideal for indoor and outdoor fridgeuse-the perfect choice for you to enjoy fresh food and cold drinksat home or on the journey.
  • 32 Qt StorageSpace
  • EfficientRefrigeration
  • PerfectStructure
  • BatteryProtection
VEVOR is a leading brand thatspecializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands ofmotivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customerswith tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORhas occupied markets of more than 200 countries with 10 millionplus global members.
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
Adequate Space
Internal dimensions: 17.8 x 11x 10.7 inches. Allow you to place drinks upright below 10.7 inchesin height. 32 quarts is a perfect size for going out to joinoutdoor parties, picnic, camping, or road trips with your friendsor family.
Rapid Refrigeration
Our car refrigerator has acooling range from -4℉ to 68℉ and can quickly drop from 68℉ to 32℉in 15 minutes. And it can last for 10 hours after cutting off thepower supply so that you can enjoy delicious and fresh food duringthe journey.
Precise Control
The onboard refrigerator canregulate the temperature and mode through the digital panel, so youcan monitor the temperature and power at any time. You can also usethe mobile app to control the temperature and charge with a USBsocket.
Humanized Design
The built-in LED light allowsyou to see the inside of the refrigerator. The drain hole helps todrain the accumulated water, the powerful handle improves theportability, and the cup holders stabilize the drinks when you aredriving.
Secure Driving
The three-layer batteryprotection can prevent the refrigerator from depleting thevehicle's battery. It is designed to be low-noise and ensure you agood sleep after driving for a long time. The fridge can also bekept stable by tilting 45°.
Wide Application
Operating at 12 / 24V DC and110-240 AC, the 12V refrigerator freezer can be connected to anautomobile cigarette lighter and household power supply. Ourportable compressor refrigerator is suitable for RV, campsite,boat, camping, fishing, road travel, and outdoor activities.
  • Model: C30
  • Capacity: 30L / 32Quarts
  • Power: 60W
  • Cooling Range: -20℃ -20℃ / -4℉- 68℉
  • Voltage: 12/24V(DC),110-240V(AC)
  • Power Consumption:0.2kw.h/24h
  • Noise Level:<45dB
  • Product Dimension: 22.7x 14.8 x 14.1 in / 576 x 375 x 357 mm
  • Product Weight: 30 lbs /13.65 kg
Package Content
  • 1 x CarRefrigerator
  • 1 x DC PowerCord
  • 1 x Adapter for ACPower
  • 1 x UserManual
VEVOR is a leading brand thatspecializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands ofmotivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customerswith tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORhas occupied markets of more than 200 countries with 10 millionplus global members.
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
-4℉ - 68℉ Cooling Range & AppControl & 45dB Low Noise
This superior portable small car refrigeratorhas a modern appearance with a simple black and silver colorassortment. A compact design, digital control panel, and two powercables are ideal for indoor and outdoor fridge use-the perfectchoice for you to enjoy fresh food and cold drinks at home or onthe journey.
Internal dimensions: 17.8 x 11 x 10.7 inches.Allow you to place drinks upright below 10.7 inches in height. 32quarts is a perfect size for going out to join outdoor parties,picnic, camping, or road trips with your friends or family.
Our car refrigerator has a cooling range from-4℉ to 68℉ and can quickly drop from 68℉ to 32℉ in 15 minutes. Andit can last for 10 hours after cutting off the power supply so thatyou can enjoy delicious and fresh food during the journey.
The onboard refrigerator can regulate thetemperature and mode through the digital panel, so you can monitorthe temperature and power at any time. You can also use the mobileapp to control the temperature and charge with a USB socket.
The built-in LED light allows you to see theinside of the refrigerator. The drain hole helps to drain theaccumulated water, the powerful handle improves the portability,and the cup holders stabilize the drinks when you aredriving.
The three-layer battery protection can preventthe refrigerator from depleting the vehicle's battery. It isdesigned to be low-noise and ensure you a good sleep after drivingfor a long time. The fridge can also be kept stable by tilting45°.
Operating at 12 / 24V DC and 110-240 AC, the 12Vrefrigerator freezer can be connected to an automobile cigarettelighter and household power supply. Our portable compressorrefrigerator is suitable for RV, campsite, boat, camping, fishing,road travel, and outdoor activities.
Package Content