This is two live pussy willow trees 3ft tall now
Shipped directly to you from our licensed family owned nursery located in southern IN
Very easy to grow
Hardiness zones 4-8
Pussy willows have unique blooms called catkins that are white and furry followed by white yellow flowers each spring
Pussy willow prefer constant moisture so they do well near ponds and rivers . Their roots run deep so plant anywhere you need to prevent erosion or hold up a hillside
Mature height 15 to 25ft spread 12 to 25 ft
Can be grown as a small tree or large
#liveplant #bareroot #starterplant #seedling #plant #SeedsForSale #PlantSeeds #GardenSeeds #OrganicSeeds #GrowYourOwn #SeedlingsForSale #HomeGardening #VegetableSeeds #FlowerSeeds #HerbSeeds #SeedsForSale #GardenSeeds #PlantSeeds #GrowYourOwnFood #OrganicSeeds #SeedStarter #HomeGardening #HerbSeeds #VegetableSeeds #FlowerSeeds #PlantsForSale #Houseplants #GardenPlants #IndoorPlants #OutdoorPlants #PlantLovers #Succulents #FloweringPlants #RarePlants #PlantParent #seeds #seed #home #garden #beautiful #tree #flower #rose #bonsai #liveplant #fruit #vegetable #usa #usaseller #blooming #winter #summer #cutting #bareroot #spring #gift #fall #autumn #shrub #herb #root #houseplant #bulbs #gardening #plants #usaseller #grafted #pot #seedling #starterplant #rooted #yard #grass #trailing #balcony #cutflowers #OrganicSeeds #HeirloomSeeds #VegetableSeeds #FlowerSeeds #HerbSeeds #FruitSeeds #GardenSeeds #SeedStarter Kits #RareSeeds #BulkSeeds #IndoorGardeningSeeds #SeedCatalog #SeedPacksforSale #SustainableSeeds #GreenhouseSeeds #Seed Suppliers #PlantingSeeds #HomeGardenSeeds