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Hardy Oranges are valued both for their ornamental value as well as for their edible fruit.
Hardy Orange Tree are self-fertile. You will get fruit with only one plant. However, adding an additional Hardy Orange Tree will drastically increase the size of your crop.
These plants take pruning well, so can be allowed to bush out or be trimmed into tree form. The Hardy Orange has glossy dark green leaves during the warmer months, & then provide great fall color in jazzy yellow shades as the weather cools. The fruit will remain on the tree throughout the winter if it is not harvested, providing additional interest through all the seasons. The leaves are fragrant, as are the lovely large 2” showy white spring flowers with pink stamens that will attract bees & butterflies.

The peel and the pulp can be used to make marmalade, the fruit is often left on the tree to provide beauty well into winter.
Growing Zones: 5-10
Mature Height: 8 ft. pruned
Mature Width: 5-8 ft.
Sunlight: Full-Partial
Harvest Time: November - December
Year to Bear: Can Fruit the 2st Year!
Botanical Name: Citrus trifoliata

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