Very Good - Minor cover and page wear (Bus)
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Product description: This 11th Edition of Leimburg's "Tools & Techniques of Estate Planning" explains complex information and issues and communicating those ideas in an understandable manner to clients. Clients want 5 things that financial planners often fail to adequately consider or provide. These are control, certainty, flexibility, assurance that they have done the "right thing" and an avoidance of aggravation and tax audit. Each of the many topics in this invaluable resource consider the extent to which a given tool or technique will cost or enhance the client's control over property of the lives of others. Learn whether a given tool or technique will lock the client or the client's family into a box. Learn how to built sufficient options, escape hatches and other ways to change into your client estate plan? Assure the client with confidence that you've taken all of the proper steps and that your client has done what's needed. Be sure your estate plan accomplishes its objectives.