1/144 PLASTIC D-4 MI-24 HIND E HELICOPTER GUNSHIP This is a very nice kit of this deadly Russian attack helicopter gunship. It has a long history of combat in every hotspot in the modern world. The kit is well made and will go together nicely. One item of interest is the main rotor system is molded in one piece.That alone will save a lot of headaches. The Revell kit that I built many years ago [see pic] had separate rotor blades and was a real job to get it together if I remember right. this kit will be fun to build. Thanks for looking. Please see our other auctions, and SAVE THIS SELLER because we will be listing a few more kits in the near future and you can be notified.

    This is a very nice kit of this deadly Russian attack helicopter gunship. It has a long history of combat in every hotspot in the modern world. The kit is well made and will build a very nice model.
The builtup model in the pictures is a Revell kit I built 20? years ago and has been sold.
 Thanks for looking. Please see our other auctions, and SAVE THIS SELLER because we will be listing a few more kits in the near future and you can be notified.


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