BOSTITCH TVA6 Trigger Valve Kit

Product Description Fits N50, N55, N57, N60, N63, N65, N70, N80, N86, N90; Also N100, 650, 750, 850, 863, T55, T60, RN45, N95RHN. Kit includes: Bostitch TVA6 trigger assembly ,Valve assembly , Lubricant , Two orifice caps. Spring pin punch, Complete instructions. From the Manufacturer Fits: N50, N57, N58, N60, N64, N70, N80C, N89C, N66, N100, N400, 650S4-2, 650S5-2, 750S4-2, 750S5-2, 850S4-2, 863S4-2, RN45, RN46, T40S5CLP, T50S4-2, F21PL, F38WW, F33PT, N75C, N86C.

  • Trigger valve kit - TVA6
  • Roll pin
  • Lubricant
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