Rheinhold's most popular sculpture, a reflection on Darwin's theory of evolution, ponders man's superior ability to ask "where do we come from?" In his master work, Rheinhold borrows the European cultural tradition of meditation on a human skull, popularized in Shakespeare's Hamlet. Our replica features the details found in the original piece including the stack of books, skull in hand and set of calipers held by the ape's foot. Historians say that the sculpture represents the question: did the ape evolve and therefore will become a man someday or was he created an ape and thus always will be an ape? Academics, philosophers, and Europhiles all appreciate this timeless work of art long popular in Europe. Known by many different names including "Rheinhold's Monkey," "Smart Monkey," and "Monkey with Skull," our  replica is directly cast in faux bronze and ivory-finished designer resin. Makes a unique addition to an office or study when used alone and a pair makes excellent bookends in a library.

Available Feb. 2025