50-200X CAST


This is a ""Mind Over Matter" spell.  This spell allows one to achieve many goals and objectives that may currently seem impossible to meet.  Albina explains that this Magick promotes bringing that which one desires and what seems out of the realm of possibility, into actualization.  She says that this could include a wide array of desired achievements, with some examples being; telepathic communication, "calling out to a familiar" by thinking of someone and then meeting them soon thereafter, overcoming what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle, "turning around" one's life circumstances from negative into very positive, healing one's past hurt and damage that inhibits one from progressing or discovering the answers to very guarded and secretive "mysteries" in one's life.  This is just a few examples of how the bearer could use this powerful piece to empower one self to improve one's life!  She adds that this spell will bestow Magick on one that will assist "the bearer who doesn't yet realize what wonders one is capable of!"

  Albina adds that one should allow  for at least 2-3  weeks before attempting to manifest one's desired goal.  She then says that after this period of "rest" in which one's energies are aligning with the spell's energies, one may begin sitting for at least 20 minutes to a half an hour and concentrating on one's goal/desire .  She goes on to say that after one continues this process of "sending forth the energies that are required to assist in achieving this goal", the Magick will then begin to show dramatic results.

  Then, soon thereafter, one will begin noticing that one is moving towards this goal in quick progression.  However, Albina does advise, as always, that one chose a goal wisely.  This means never focusing on an objective that does damage or harm to others or worse any action that "breaks another's free will".  To do so may actually cause great damage or harm to the bearer, and as a result, Albina has worked this spell so that if one even attempts this type of action, it will cause the Magick to "discontinue drawing any energies" and in turn, the spell will no longer "work".  Regardless, this is an incredible spell capable of creating great changes in many areas of the bearer's life! 


My Sincerest Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her wonderful effort and abilities!

