2000+Dwarf PETUNIA MIX Flower Seeds Garden Container Hanging Basket Window Box
DWARF PETUNIA MIX. Easy to grow from seed. This strain of petunia has 11/2" flowers in reds, whites, purples, and pinks. No two flowers are the exactly the same color. With steady medium water and a little fertilizer, dwarf petunias will bloom from late spring into fall. Usually grown in containers or hanging baskets, dwarf petunias also do well as a ground cover spreading out about 2' in each direction and getting about 10"tall. Fun and easy to grow. U.S. Grown.2000+ Quality seeds. Thank You!
Petunia nana compaca.
Full sun/Partial sun.
Spring, soil temp 68F+.
SOW 1/16"deep, 2"apart. Keep moist.
Germ 7-14 days.
Thin to 8".
Height 10" x 8" Wide.
Medium water and light fertilizer.
Flowers are mixed colors. Blooms late spring through fall.
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