TINGLEY - 45811.MD Tingley Workbrutes G2 - PVC Overshoe - 5.5" Ht. - Black Upper - Red Sole - Cleated Outsole

Workbrutes G2 are wider and have more room in the toe for ideal fit over safety toe work boots or other large shoes, while the high quality PVC provides the ultimate protection from liquids, mud, and harsh chemical environments. Ideal Applications: Farm/Agriculture, Food Processing, Construction, Petroleum Refineries, Municipalities, Transportation, Hazardous Waste Cleanup, and General Industry. Chemical Resistance: Hydrocarbons, some exposure to fats, and certain acids and alkalis. Not recommended for use with ketones, aldehydes, and similar solvents.

  • Product Type: Safety Supply
  • Package Quantity: 1
  • Package Dimensions: 12.9 cms (L) x 18.6 cms (W) x 35.4 cms (H)
  • Country Of Origin: China
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