Wax Plant Botanical Name: Hoya Long, slender vines of the Wax Plant are covered with thick, green leathery leaves. The leaves are sometimes flecked with silvery or creamy white. To show off its thickly-leafed vines, and to give them a denser appearance, loop them around a wire hoop or small trellis and tie loosely with florists wire. Given enough light, Wax Plant will produce parachute clusters of star-shaped, white to pink flowers with five-point centers. Those flowers are so intricately detailed, uniformly shaped and shiny, they're sometimes called Porcelain Flower. You can expect Hoyas to bloom in the spring, summer or fall, depending on the variety. You'll find lots of H. carnosa cultivars for sale. 'Krinkle' has wrinkly leaves...'Variegata' features leaves edged in creamy white... and 'Krimson Queen'. Other species of Hoya are available, but they don't produce the number and size of flowers as the carnosa species. H. bella is a small-leafed species. H. australis has smaller flowers that smell like honeysuckle.