10 g Organic Mushroom Spawn Spores Seeds Live Mycelium on Grains PALE OYSTER, INDIAN OYSTER, LUNG OYSTER, PHOENIX OYSTER Mushroom Growing at Home Fungi Culture Pleurotus pulmonarius Gourmet Mushrooms Gift for Him.

You’ll receive:

1) 10 grams of grain spawn in a polypropylene bag.

2) Simple growing instructions (will be sent to your e-mail address).

What is grain spawn:

- Grain spawn is sterilized grains (rye, wheat, etc.) inoculated with live mycelium culture. In the spawn-production process, mycelium from a mushroom culture is placed onto steam-sterilized grain, and in time the mycelium completely grows through the grain. This grain/mycelium mixture is called spawn, and spawn is used to "seed" mushroom compost.

- Grain spawn can be stored in a refrigerator for 3 months at 4°C.

- Mycelium is quite resistant. If you are not ready to inoculate right away, you can keep grain spawn in your refrigerator.

- Be sure to use the spawn within that time so your mushrooms grow properly. The sooner you use the spawn, the more likely it is to grow mushrooms successfully.

- Once the bag is opened, spawn should be used shortly.

- Grain spawn must be mixed with bulk substrate before you can fruit it.

- When using good quality spawn, substrate and under optimum conditions, one can easily harvest 600-900 grams of fresh mushroom from 1 kilo of straw.

- The ideal temperature for a spawn run depends on the type of mushroom, but it is generally between 23 and 28 Celsius (73 and 82 Fahrenheit).

- Grain spawn is generally considered to be better for inoculating smaller substrates or fruiting blocks.

GrowFungiGarden - one of the best places to buy grain mushroom spawn for growing mushrooms!