Golden Chain Tree {Laburnum alpinum} Ornamental Showy | Bonsai favorite | 20 seeds
Laburnum alpinum (Scottish Laburnum) is a leguminous flowering tree. It flowers
in late spring, bearing panicles of yellow pea-like flowers. Gorgeous yellow
flowers in 15" pendulous clusters in May, beautifully displayed against deep
green leaves, few trees are more lovely in flower, small, short-trunked tree
or large shrub, seeds poisonous if eaten. A very tolerant and easily grown plant,
it succeeds in almost any soil or situation so long as it is not water-logged.
It grows well in heavy clay soils and in poor shallow limestone soils. Succeeds
in cold exposed situations and tolerates industrial pollution.
Small specimen tree or shrub for location around residential homes. Shrub borders.
Group as a shrub to maximize effect of the spring bloom. Good background plant.