Philodendron melanochrysum plants, also commonly known as black-gold philodendron, are a rare type of vining philodendron that have become popular as houseplants due to their gorgeous foliage. Their velvet leaves come in shades of dark green with brilliantly contrasted yellow veins and can get as large as 24 inches long. While these plants can be difficult to come across, they are surprisingly easy to care for once you finally have one in your possession.
Philodendron melanochrysum is a species of flowering plant in the family Araceae, endemic to the wet Andean foothills of Colombia, growing at approximately 500m above sea level in the provinces of Chocó and Antioquia but widely cultivated elsewhere as an ornamental.
Shipping Care:
Although we package with the utmost care, the stems are fragile and may break during the transit.
Vines might not be as long,
Do Not Leave Your Package in the mailbox. Not Even for an Hour. This will burn the plant.