* well-drained potting soil/pot
** bright light. Only Water when soil almost dry out
Lighting: does best in bright light and a little bit of direct sun . some direct sun is beneficial in helping the Hoya flower. protect it from scorching hot summer sun. Indoors, a south or west-facing window is ideal. Variegated Hoyas like this need more light. Outdoors, Hoyas will love the bright shade, especially if they hang under a shady tree and get dappled sunlight.
Watering: During growing season - when it's hot and humid and sunny - water freely ( well drain soil in a pot with drainage hope only) In the winter, reduce your watering and make sure the soil dries out almost completely. Hoya stores water in their fleshy and succulent-like leaves, so if you forget a watering or two, your Hoya will forgive you! A good rule of thumb is to water when the leaves start to pucker just a little bit. However, letting the soil stay too dry for too long (like one might let a cactus dry out) can damage the Hoya.
Humidity + temperature: Hoya THRIVES in humidity. Other conditions like lighting and water can be less than ideal if the Hoya has high humidity that mimics their natural habitat. For this reason, Hoyas make wonderful bathroom plants if you have the right lighting! I have some of my Hoyas in more moderate humidity (around 40%) and they do fine, but I've seen a dramatic increase in growth once more humidity in introduced. Additionally, if you decide to mist your Hoya carnosa, don't do so when the plant is flowering.
Soil + fertilizer: Well-draining soil is key, as Hoyas hate to have "wet feet." A good mix is African Violet potting soil cut with perlite and orchid bark. The AV soil is very light and airy, which helps keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Perlite and orchid bark help prevent the soil from compacting and increase drainage. Hoyas are light feeders and don't require a lot of fertilizer to bloom like some flowering plants. In fact, it's best not to fertilize at all when the Hoya is in flower, as over-feeding can discourage flowering.
Repotting: Hoyas like to be disturbed as little as possible. I wouldn't say any plant "likes" to be rootbound, but Hoyas do prefer a tighter pot and are more likely to bloom if pot bound. That said, don't repot until absolutely necessary (for example, if the tight roots are causing plant issues like yellowing leaves or you find that you have to water it constantly), and pot just one size up to keep the roots nice and snug.
Please read the entire description.
You will receive a plant similar as shown in pictures(The vines might be a little longer or shorter)Cutting Only :
Plant Cutting propagation can be done in water or soil, but once it begins, the plant has difficult switching to the other growing medium.
If you place the cutting in water, the plant should remain in water once it grows larger. The same goes for a cutting propagated in the soil.
It is normal for your cutting to shed a few leaves over time, but if you are seeing increased leaf loss, there might be an underlying problem.
If your cutting plant has distorted leaf growth, this may be due to nutrient and/or light deficiencies, insect infestations, or too little water. Mealybugs and scale often take up residence on the plant, and can be removed with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball.
If the cutting plant leaf tips are turning brown, this is a sign of low humidity. To solve this problem, you can lightly spray your plant with water or place it in a room with a humidifier.
Bare Root Only :
Soil: Lightweight, well-aerated, fast-draining growing medium
Container: Use a small sized pot that keeps the roots tightly packed; Drainage holes are a must
Light: Although this plant will survive in low light conditions, bright indirect sunlight is best
Temperature: Daytime 70 F (21 C) and above, nighttime 60-65 F (16-18 C)
Humidity: Higher humidity than average household levels (40-60 percent)
Watering: Water when the soil is almost dry during growth phase, infrequently during winter
Fertilizing: Feed monthly with diluted water-soluble fertilizer only in spring and summer
Potted plant Only :
DO NOT WATER YOUR PLANT for at least 2-3 days.
DO NOT RE-POT for at least 6-8 weeks.
Your plant Needs to settle and acclimate. Some leaves might drop or turn yellow.
Happy Planting :)