These vining houseplants like heaps of bright, indirect sunlight and will be right at home if they can make contact for at least 8 hours each day (indirect sunlight, that is!). Wax Flowers can tolerate medium light, but they'll become weak and leggy and produce fewer leaves in lower light. The more natural dappled light they absorb, the greater the odds they will shower you with flowers during the summer! If you place your Hoya Black Margin outside for the summer, or if you live in a tropical climate, then choose a setting that receives early morning sun, and afternoon shade. Direct afternoon sunlight will burn the leaves!
Water the soil thoroughly after the soil is almost completely dry. When the leaves first show signs of wilting, is the best time to add water. Make sure you add the water slowly and evenly making sure that all the soil can absorb the water! Water more often in the growing season (spring and summer, into early fall) and reduce the frequency during winter. If the soil becomes compacted, soak the entire root system (root ball) in a bucket of water for 10 minutes to help loosen up the soil. A great way to test the soil for dryness is to pick up the plant; if it feels very light, it is most likely time to water your Hoya Black Margin! You will need to water more often during the summer, or if your hoya is living in a space that is consistently warm or hot. Make sure to check the soil for dryness every few days and water accordingly as you can never rely on a schedule!
Most Hoya species love warm environments - 65-85℉ - and should be kept away from drafty windows and doorways during the colder months. Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can be fatal to these tropical indoor vines. Extremely high temperatures (over 90°F) can cause the soil to dry out quickly requiring you to adjust your watering routine. Hoya Black Margin, and all other indoor plants benefit from air circulation so consider using a fan to crank up the breeze. Stagnant air can cause bacteria, and pest problems.
Although Wax Vines can handle most household humidity levels, they will grow more rapidly when the humidity is higher than 50%. Do what you can to increase the humidity for these tropical, hanging, indoor plants. Try adding pebble trays filled with water under your indoor plants, group plants together, or use a cool mist humidifier.
For Hoya Black Margins, a higher nitrogen fertilizer encourages foliar growth. When they're about to bloom, switch to a fertilizer with higher phosphorus content. Fertilize with a complete liquid fertilizer (diluted to ¼ the recommended strength) or fish emulsion twice a month during the summer. You can also apply a top dressing of worm castings or compost in the spring, as this acts as a slow-release fertilizer. Only fertilize during the growing season (spring through early fall).
Growth Rate
Hoya Black Margin is a tropical climber that may reach lengths of 8’+ if cared for properly. Each leaf may reach a length of 4 to 8 inches and a width of 2 to 4”. It can be grown in a hanging pot, where it will tumble over the edge, or in a pot with support, where it will twist and climb.
Pet Friend or Foe
Hoya Black Margin is non-toxic to pets. Friend!