Story Summary:

RWBY is a web series that takes place in a world called Remnant, which is filled with supernatural forces and powerful monsters known as Grimm. The story follows four girls - Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang - who are attending Beacon Academy, a school that trains young people to become Huntresses, skilled warriors who fight against the Grimm and other threats.

As the girls attend Beacon Academy, they form a team and go on various adventures, battling dangerous creatures and uncovering dark secrets about the world they live in. Along the way, they meet a wide range of characters, both friends and foes, who help them or stand in their way.

Throughout the series, the girls face many challenges and must rely on their skills and each other to overcome them. As they grow stronger and more experienced, they also learn about the true nature of their world and the forces that threaten it.

Overall, RWBY is a thrilling adventure story filled with action, suspense, and drama, and it explores themes of teamwork, courage, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Item Description:

Title: RWBY
Creator : Rooster Teeth Productions & Monty Dum
Condition: Brand New and Sealed
Language: English Language
Volume: 1-5 (END)
Genre: Adventure, Science Fantasy
Publisher: WOS Limited Manga