Vita-Mix Total Nutrition Center 5000. This listing includes: the motor base, in good working condition and 2 mixing containers, both 64 ounce, one of them is the standard ice-crushing/smoothie making wet jar, the other container is the dry container, which is also described as the Vita Mix grain mill. Both containers are in good used look at them, you might think that they cant' be too old, they both look good. Both containers come with their own rubber lids, plus the clear covers to close the center hole, if you are not using the pusher/plunger. There is one pusher/plunger included in this deal, which gives you every thing you need for wet or dry blending. 

I use a Vita-Mix every day, to make my protein breakfast shake. I tested this one with my usual ingredients and was quite surprised that this unit is more versatile than my VitaMix 7400. The first feature I noticed is that the slow speed on this unit is MUCH slower than my 7400. It's very refreshing to be able to start my blending at a slow speed, rather than to have the contents scattered around the whole container at an excess speed. The TNC 5000 has the high speed top end you would expect, but the option of starting at a lower speed is really nice. 

The wet container leaked, the first time I used it. On examination, the bearing/or bushing that keeps the blades centered was mal-functioning. I ordered and installed a new agitator and it works perfectly and the exterior of the container stays dry! 

Before being packed for shipping, the individual pieces here total almost 13lbs. The shipping weight I have entered into the shipping calculator is 12lbs. This means that the freight calculator will generate a lower price for shipping than if I had entered the actual weight.