Hoya Fungii splash, collector plant ,live plant 
•Keep moss damp but not completely saturated, Hoyas would rather be a bit dry than too wet.
•Hoyas are not big fans of dense soil!
•I use a medium/large grain orchid mix with just a bit of peat moss and charcoal tossed in to keep my Hoyas happy.
•Hoyas look beautiful hanging down, however they will form healthier and larger growth if they are given something to climb on such as a trellis or moss pole.
•They love + thrive in humidity and are pretty tolerant of temperature changes, in my experience.
•Hoyas love light!
•Make sure to put this baby somewhere where it gets full sun, especially since you’re trying to expand its root system! This Hoya specifically does sun stress.
•Your Hoya will most likely tell you if it wants less sun by exhibiting little brown or black spots on its leaves, so make sure to check for those periodically!
•Generally, your most common issue is going to be over watering, so try not to water until it tells you it needs water when its leaves are a bit veiny, deflated, or wrinkly!
•Signs of overwatering include souring leaves and stems, yellow leaves, rotting leaves and stems, and leaf loss.