5 Packs - Lotus Leaf Brand Rheumatic Massage Oil Gu Ci Jing


Product Description


Made in Singapore.


Based on decades of clinical experience, the Lotus Leaf Brand Gu Ci Jing Bone Spurs Relief Oil is formulated using superior natural medical ingredients coupled with pain relieving medication, to provide effective pain relief and muscular stiffness. 


This product gives warmth that goes deep into the affected area, to give effective soothing relief from pain associated with rheumatics, backaches, lumbago, arthritis, sprains, bruises, and muscular strains.


Safety Information

Shake before use. For external use only. Not to be consumed. Keep out of reach of children. Not suitable for children under age 12 years old.


Pregnant women and people with sensitive skin should refrain from using.


Avoid contact with eyes and sensitive areas of the skin.


Discontinue use and wash with clean water if excessive irritation or swelling occurs.


If symptoms persist for more than 7 days, consult a physician.



For the relief of muscular pain and stiffness including backache and lumbago, arthritis, sprain and bruises, muscular strains, and rheumatic pain.



Pour 2 to 3 drops medicated oil to the affected area.


Massage into the affected area 3 to 4 times daily after locating the spot that hurts most, with the palm for one minute while slowly applying more pressure. 


Shipping Information


1. Shipping Method

Ship from Singapore via Registered Mail with tracking information available to check its delivery status. 


2. Shipping Policy


International customers may be subject to import duties, taxes and additional charges for customs clearance from your local government agency. These are collected at the time of delivery to your destination address. 


Buyer is fully responsible for import duties, taxes and additional charges in their own country.
























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