Hong Hua Wonder Herb 100+ Medicinal seeds NON GMO Baldy Safflower (spineless) Carthamus tinctorius used for Herbal Tea and Culinary oil
This wonder herb is so versatile flowers for teas, oils for cooking, and the seeds are high in protein, fats, and fiber!
Safflower, also known as Hong Hua in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a herb used for both its medicinal properties, as well as in cooking. The use of the flower and the oil of the seed is wide spread and is especially popular in many Asian dishes. Safflower seed oil, in particular, is increasing in popularity, as its health benefits become more well known.
As a medicinal herb, the safflower flower has several benefits, namely for pain relief, a variety of gynecological disorders, reduction of small abdominal masses, dermatological problems, and heart disease
Safflower is one of the most commonly used herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine obstetrics and gynecology. In combination with other herbs, it is used to break up  blood stagnation in order to relieve menstrual pain and restore a regular menstrual cycle where the period is irregular or is absent for months at a time. Stagnation refers to a condition in which blood or the fluids of the body do not move freely and smoothly.
It is additionally used to aid difficult labor.
Safflower (Hong Hua) is also a popular herb in herbal formulas for conditions characterized by impaired movement of the limbs. It is used for joint pain which is accompanied by swelling or difficulty moving the limbs, as it invigorates the circulation of blood in the channels to relieve pain, improve mobility and reduce swelling.
This warming herb may also be used to successfully shrink small abdominal masses, whether they are accompanied by pain or not. It does this by promoting the movement of stagnant qi in the abdomen. Abdominal masses occur when stagnation is significant enough to cause the formation of a nodule or mass, as circulation in the area is impaired.
It may be used to relieve skin eruptions which are dark purple or red and itchy in nature.
Safflower is used to move the qi and blood in the chest to relieve chest pain related to angina. In a study using 100 patients treated with a 50 per cent Safflower (Hong Hua) solution, chest-pain relief was noted in 80.8 per cent, marked ECG improvement in 26 per cent and moderate ECG improvement in 40 per cent of the patients. Additionally, most patients in the study also reported a reduction in palpitations, dizziness and headaches.
Germination 85% Purity of seed  99.67%
Safflower usually emerges 1–3 weeks after sowing and grows slower under low temperatures. Germination of safflower is epigeal. The first true leaves emerging form a rosette. This stage occurs in winter with short daylength and cold temperature, as the safflower can tolerate frosts up to -7C° during the rosette stage.
When temperature and day length start to increase, the central stem begins to elongate and branch, growing more rapidly. Early sowing allows more time for developing a large rosette and more extensive branching, which results in a higher yield.
Flowering is mainly influenced by daylength. The period from the end of flowering to maturity is usually 4 weeks. The total period from sowing to harvest maturity varies with variety, location, sowing time and growing conditions; for June or July sowings, it may be about 26–31 weeks.