Product details

Dudu-Osun African Black Soaps contain numerous curative and healing properties that enhances the appearance and feel of your skin. A luxuriously, thick, fresh soap.

Dudu-Osun African Black Soap is natively milled in Africa with OSUN (a Camwood extract), High Unsaponified Shea Butter, Native Honey, Citrus Juices, Aloe Vera and natural Vitamins. 

Especially formulated entirely from all natural herbs and ingredients, Dudu-Osun African Black Soap will leave your skin feeling refreshed and silky smooth all over. 

Dudu-Osun African Black Soap restores damaged skin and is helpful in healing chronic freckles, eczema, and acne as well as removing dark spots and burn marks.

Dudu Osun African Black Soap uses all natural ingredients and herbs from the tropical rain forest and savannah regions of Nigeria.

Dudu Osun African Black Soap is commonly regarded as the finest traditional African Black Soap available.

Made in and Imported from Nigeria. 

Dudu-Osun African Black soaps contain no artificial colors and is bio-degradable.

24bars per pack