Organic Natural QUINOA SEEDS بذور الكينوا
Weight: 220g
* The benefits of quinoa seeds are many, most notably weight loss
Quinoa is a healthy seed that is rich in protein and contains essential amino acids that your body needs. The fiber in quinoa helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and also reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. In this report, we learn about the health benefits of quinoa, according to the website. "Times of India".
You can eat one or two cups of cooked quinoa a day. You should avoid eating it if you suffer from stomach pain, itching, or vomiting after eating it.
A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health reported that eating a bowl of quinoa daily is healthy and does not cause any side effects.
* Benefits of quinoa seeds:
1- Quinoa is gluten-free
It is naturally free of gluten and is beneficial for those who are intolerant to gluten. Quinoa is the best for such people. When it is replaced with white rice, it is a healthy meal because it provides the body with protein, iron, fiber and calcium, so you can eat a balanced dish that is free of gluten.
2. Quinoa does not raise blood sugar levels
Since the glycemic index value of quinoa is low, it does not raise blood sugar levels, so quinoa provides lasting energy due to its low glycemic index value and is good for your health.
3- Quinoa seeds are full of minerals
Quinoa contains minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and iron, which are necessary for a healthy body. These minerals prevent the body from fatigue, insomnia, headaches, muscle cramps, anemia, diabetes, and many others.
4- It helps in losing weight
The high protein content in quinoa keeps you full for a long time and helps in losing weight. The insoluble fiber present in it gives a feeling of fullness, so it is recommended to eat quinoa for breakfast. It also increases the metabolic rate and fat burning and helps reduce cravings for food and calories, thus supporting Weight loss process.
5- Vegetable protein
Quinoa is a source of vegetable protein and amino acids. 100 grams of quinoa contains all nine amino acids and 8 grams of protein, which are essential for a healthy body. It creates a complete diet that also helps in losing weight while maintaining muscle at the same time.