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High Quality Voltage Regulator
7812 KA7812 L7812 L7812CV
Primary input voltage: 19V
Fixed output voltage: 12V
Pressure drop: 2V
Output channel number: 1
Pin number: 3
Output current: 1.5A
Package type: TO-220
Operating temperature range: 0 C to +150 C
SVHC (highly concerned substances): No SVHC (20-Jun-2011)
Device label: 7812
Tolerance, working voltage: 4%
Package type: tube
Package type: TO-220
Working temperature sensitivity: 0 C
Operating temperature: 150 degrees C
Voltage: 12V
Voltage rectifier type: positive fixed
Maximum supply voltage: 27V
Minimum supply voltage: 14.5V
Chip label: 7812
Surface mount devices: through hole mounting
Maximum input voltage: 35V
Minimum input voltage: 14V
Output voltage: 12V
Maximum output voltage: 12V
Maximum output current: 1.5A
You will receive:
2 x regulator (as pictured & described)
FAST Shipping from Ohio
Usually at your door in 1-3 business days
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