This is for 1 or more Bareroot Sium Suave (Hemlock Waterparsnip). We have these growing naturally around our shop! When an order is placed we then go and dig the Sium Suave so it is as fresh as possible. This is a fully grown plant growing in the wild we go and dig when you want it! We aim to provide the best plants as possible through the mail so we ship the same day we collect! The roots of this plant can be boiled and eaten as a cooked vegetable, but because of the plant's resemblance to the deadly Water Hemlock (Cicuta maculata), they are best left alone.
Plant Characteristics
Duration: Perennial
Habit: Herb
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: White
Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep
Growing Conditions
Soil Moisture: Moist , Wet
Use Other: Some tribes believed that smoke from common water-parsnip seeds could drive away evil spirits trying to steal a hunter's luck. (Kershaw)
Water-parsnip is so similar to its highly poisonous relatives (such spotted water-hemlock), it is better left alone. (Kershaw)
Conspicuous Flowers: yes
Fragrant Flowers: yes