Original Afghan Grasses Hashish hair growth Oil 5stars 250ml زيت الحشيش الافغاني

The Original Afghan Grasses Hashish Hair Growth Oil is a natural hair care product designed to promote healthy hair growth and nourish your hair from root to tip. Made with a unique blend of all-natural ingredients, including hashish oil and Afghan grasses, this hair growth oil is formulated to deliver visible results in just a few weeks.

The hashish oil is extracted from the resin of cannabis plants and is known for its ability to stimulate hair growth and improve hair health. Afghan grasses are also added to the oil to provide additional nutrients and vitamins to help support a healthy scalp and strong hair follicles. Together, these ingredients work to promote hair growth, reduce hair loss, and leave your hair looking and feeling soft, silky, and full of life.

This hair growth oil is easy to use and can be applied to all hair types, including curly, straight, thick, and thin hair. Simply massage a small amount of the oil into your scalp and hair, focusing on the areas where you want to promote hair growth. Leave the oil in your hair for at least 30 minutes, or overnight for best results, and then rinse it out with a gentle shampoo.

The Original Afghan Grasses Hashish Hair Growth Oil is free from harsh chemicals and artificial ingredients, making it a safe and natural choice for anyone looking to improve the health and appearance of their hair. With regular use, this hair growth oil can help you achieve the luscious, healthy hair you've always wanted.


A complete set of Afghan hashish oil and a group of oils and natural herbs rare and free of any chemicals Works on natural and coarse hair, Tonic and intensive hair prevents hair loss permanently eliminates dandruff prevents hair breakage.
hashish oil contains substances that have the ability to kill bacteria and germs that attack the scalp. Relieves and treats scalp infections. It is an effective treatment to get rid of dandruff. The hair gets the softness needed for the softness and elasticity of the hair that enables it to resist extreme weather changes. Gives hair shine and removes tangles. Increases the rate of hair growth which helps to intensify it, by activating ineffective hair follicles. Stimulates blood circulation in the skin of the head, which means increasing the flow of blood loaded with oxygen and food to it, and increase the share of hair, which helps to nourish and strengthen the hair and prevent split and fall.
The best way to use hashish oil for hair
Be careful not to touch hashish oil to the eye and if it should be washed with abundant water quickly, and therefore prevents the application of eyelashes. Store in cool places away from direct heat.  hashish oil is used only for external use. 
Shipping :
Shipping is by registered mail and takes from 30 to 40 working days
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We dont accept returns
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