* It is quite important to sow ornamental kale when the night time temperatures start to cool in your region.  These will "Not" display really vibrant colors in the hottest months of the Summer.

* This open-pollinated ornamental kale variety is also highly deer resistant.  So, if you're in an area where the deer find your pansies to be delectable morsels, you might want to try ornamental kale!

*  Ornamental kale, also known as flowering cabbage, are extremely hardy and can survive in zone 2 of Canada or through zone 11!  However, it does best when the night temperatures start dropping in September and October so starting now would be a great idea.  This flowering, frilly Kale is so hardy it'll even grow with snow surrounding it!

* These flowering cabbage are actually not flowers but just frilly, colorful kale leaves that give the appearance of a very large and beautiful flower.  However, they can go into flower if provided certain growing conditions.

* Ornamental Kale is quite disease resistant as well.  There are very few pests that attack this plant.  If in the rare event your plants are attacked, just spraying with some organic Bt will likely control the pest invasion.

* These Ornamental Kale are edible and have an extremely high amount of antioxidants.  In fact, Kale is considered  a super food and consistently ranks as one of the most nutritious vegetables in the world!  This flowering Kale might even be more nutritious  than the other regular green kales because the leaf color contains Anthocyanins which are powerful antioxidants and have been shown to have many health benefits! However, this will have a stronger taste than regular kale but could also be juiced to take advantage of its high antioxidant levels.

* Just space these flowering cabbage 12-18 inches apart and provide them a nice well drained loam, and keep them consistently watered and let the show begin!