Reishi Mushroom Log Growing Kit Whether you're looking for great projects for the kids, gifts for gourmands or just plain great eating, try one or all of our terrific mushroom kits.
We give you everything you need to grow different mushrooms that will provide a daily dose of vital energy and a boost to your fresh food quotient!! Gourmet mushrooms cost a fortune in the stores and we all know that eating something that you picked 5 minutes ago is hands-down better than what you can get in the grocery store.
These kits come complete with the following ,Plug Spawn50 ct enough to do 1 40" long log, Sealing Wax, Detailed Instructions
The only tools you will need to provide is an electric drill and a 5/16" drill bit, and a fresh cut log/stump
The name can bring to mind Chinese emperors, and ancient forests. Not surprising, as reishi has been used in china for over 2,000 years! This mushroom has a long history of use as an herbal medicine. Modern research is now confirming its healing power in the body. There are six different types of Ganoderma lucidium: red, purple, green, white, yellow, and black. The red mushroom is the most well-studied and is said to possess the most healing properties Reishi is known as ling zhi (mushroom of immortality) in China and mannentake (10,000 year mushroom) in Japan. It is sometimes also referred to as the “herb of spiritual potency.” This kit contains the red mushroom variety and will inoculate a 40” long log. Reishi appear shiny and brilliant when wet and dry to a dull, dusty color. All species of Ganoderma are defined as polypores. This means they have no gills on their undersides and release spores through small pores. If you flip a reishi mushroom over you will see the flat, corky area where spores are released. Younger growth on the mushroom emerges as white ring around the edge. Originally found in China, Japan, and Korea, reishi now grown on hardwood throughout the world. They are very rare to find in the wild. Most will have a red or brown cap with a roughly oval or kidney shape. However, if carbon dioxide levels are high enough a cap will not form and the mushrooms will look like long “antlers” or “fingers” instead.