"Like the lotus flowers behind her, with their blooms growing up from the darkness, Persephone emerges from the underworld once a year to return to her mother Demeter and herald the beginning of spring. Surrounded by cranes, symbols of happiness, good fortune, and longevity, she embraces the beauty of the Victorian era in her aquamarine gown while she contemplates the luscious pomegranate and the coming harvest - Susan Redington Bobby
DMC floss: white, 154, 208, 300, 356, 434, 501, 554, 562, 632, 677, 718, 729, 732, 733, 741, 744, 746, 747 (2), 754, 758, 772, 782, 818, 838, 891, 893, 905, 906, 913, 915, 935, 938, 946, 948, 955, 964 (2), 992, 993, 3371, 3607, 3608, 3708, 3778, 3799, 3814, 3819, 3823, 3831 & 3852.
Beads by Mill Hill: 00525, 02010, 02011, 02016, 02077, 02085, 02096, 03048, 16609, 62038 & 82023.