Pumice Beige Gray Volcanic Rock 20-40mm Healing Crystal Absorbs Negative

This is a listing for TWELVE Pumice Volcanic Rocks sized 20-40mm. These are a light gray or beige color -   your stones will be selected from the lot shown. Please allow for variation

Chakra: All

Element: Water

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Number: Vibrates to #4

Hardness: 6

Country of Origin: Hawaii, USA

Pumice is a fine-grained volcanic rock known for being buoyant and able to float on top of water.


Get rid of negative attitude

Allows insight into negative situations

Will get rid of repeating karma situations that one keeps encountering

Use as an elixir to regenerate skin

Helps one to not “sink” into despair and hopelessness, allows one to find their way out of a bad situation

Absorbs negativity so needs to be cleansed often

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