Foskrol Escolar Dietary Supplement Vitamin Boost Appetite Supplements Kids Dietary Supplement Natural Appetite Stimulant for Kids and Toddlers 10 vials per Pack Vitamins for Kids New Our dietary supplement for kids is the perfect solution for parents who want the best for their child. The dietary formula contains the perfect blend between vitamin B complex, lysine, and glutamic acid, which can promote your child’s growth by stimulating the metabolism of proteins. Also, our supplements can stimulate the appetite of your kid, promoting a healthy weight gain, which can make him or her more resilient to outside factors. Some of the amazing features of this product: Amazing kids dietary supplement; Appetite booster; Can stimulate the metabolism of proteins involved in the growth of bone structure; Energy boost for your kid; Contains vitamin B complex, lysine, and glutamic acid; Can help in improving the general body condition; Drinkable oral solution; Can be diluted in water or juice; It is recommended to take one drinkable vial per day; Delicious taste; Easy to take; The package includes 10 vials with oral solution. Keep your kid healthy and energized with our kids dietary supplements!
Foskrol Escolar Dietary Supplement  Vitamin Boost Appetite Supplements  Kids Dietary Supplement Natural Appetite Stimulant for Kids and Toddlers 10 vials per Pack Vitamins for Kids New