This is a Natural and One-of-a-Kind Clear Quartz Crystal Cluster with Beautiful Crystal Tips and Wonderful Vibrant Clarity in Excellent Condition! A Very Unique Crystal Formation where Multiple Crystals Intersect into a One-of-a-Kind Specimen!!

~This Beautiful Quartz Crystal Cluster is in Well Preserved Condition Straight from the Earth! Featuring 100% Natural Beauty that has Never been Cut or Enhanced! Ethically Hand Dug with Love and Care by Solara Solstice. Note: There is a Natural Rock Contact near the Tip that was Healing Within the Earth.

The Unique Features of this Clear Quartz Crystal Cluster Include:
~A Beautiful Natural Inner Glow
~ Flashy Rainbows
~Akashic Information Lines
~ Natural Triangular Etchings
~ Fairy Dust Crystals (Crystals that formed in the same Pocket within the Earth and then Adhered through Extreme Heat and Pressure!)
~ A Master Healer Crystal (A Crystal that Fractured within the Earth, then Re-Healed Completely!)
~ Natural Orange Iron Oxide
~ Beautiful Areas of Natural Healing from within the Earth!
~ A Beautiful Crystal Cluster Specimen for Any Collection, Altar, or Spiritual Work!
~ Wonderful for Meditation!
~ Sits Nicely for Display!

~ This is a Very Beautiful, One-of-a-Kind Crystal Cluster in Well-Preserved Condition! ~

Crystal Origin: Arkansas, USA 
DIMENSIONS: 1.75 inch x 1.7 inch x 0.9 inch (max height)
WEIGHT: 27.0 grams  

~Quartz Crystals are also known as Master Healer Crystals. Clear Quartz Crystals have Excellent Energy, Thought, and Healing Amplifying Properties. Clear Quartz Crystals Radiate the Visible Light Spectrum and Work on all Chakras Simultaneously. Clear Quartz Crystals Help Attune each Chakra center to the Universal Light Source. Simply hold in your hand to Energize the Crystals and Infuse with Positive Intention. 

The Natural Crystal Cluster Formation Provides Additional Amplifying Properties and Radiates Healing Light in Multiple Directions!

~ Wonderful for Any Collection, Meditation and other Spiritual Work!

~ Every Crystal Specimen is Cleansed with Sage and Charged by Reiki Master Solara Solstice! ~