Recommended Roast Profiles: Light to Medium
Cup Characteristics: This Great Arabica Guatemala SHB coffee features classic Guatemalan flavor with chocolate hints. The flavor is full, spicy and complete. A fruity, perfect acidic level, complexity and body that can't be found in another cup. Definitely a recommended quality
With Guatemala being the world’s 8th largest coffee producer, the largest Central American producer, and a major supplier to the United States, it is no wonder why Guatemala is one of the world’s top coffee origins. Coffee trees were brought to the country by Jesuit priests in 1750. German settlers developed the industry in the late nineteenth century. Most production is located in the south where volcanic slopes are the ideal place to grow the high-quality Arabica Beans. The Strictly Hard Bean coffee is among the best quality coffee you can get. Coffee grown at high altitudes are known as being the best because it increases the acidity of the bean, and because of the high altitude, the nights are often cooler which slows down the maturity of the coffee plant allowing the beans to develop to a more complex flavor