Hey sellers! how long did it take to make your first sale?

Hey Bonanza sellers!

I just opened a store on Bonanza and I was just curious about your experiences. Did you make any sales without advertising or having a membership?

asked about 1 month ago

3 Answers

in all honesty no. after all these years this site is still unknown! Even with advertising and the membership alot of people still are not gettings sales. Ive done the advertising on here and its just doesn’t work at all!! You might have better luck posting your items on pinterest or facebook!

answered about 1 month ago

I remember my first sale with my old booth and how excited I was lol. I’d say maybe within the first few months or month.

This was close to when Bonanza, which back then the name was Bonanzle, first started up.
Sales were really slow…about how they are right now for me, unfortunately, though it had gotten better for me for a long time.

I had a pair of vintage pantyhose and had posted under the Promote section here on Bonanza. The forums were pretty active at that time. Another seller saw it who was getting married and bought the pantyhose.

Anytime one of us got our first sale we’d post about it. We were so excited and wanted to see Bonanza succeed. It really was a grass root effort in helping to bring Bonanza up to life on the internet.

I have promoted my booth in the past quite a bit and generated two sales from it (yep), so for me self promoting did not really work. What worked for me was Google shopping and that is almost non-existant now truth be told.

You may have better luck with self promotion and Google shopping, so don’t let me stop you. You asked and so I wanted to be honest on my own behalf.

I tried the free membership for one month. I liked the extra perks but no increase in sales.

The selling platform itself on Bonanza I really like.

Good luck!!

answered about 1 month ago

Yes….many, I have been on Bonanza since before it was Bonanza and I have never had a membership, other than the Turbo Traffic packs and I do get sales weekly. But you really have to put in the time and work to get to that point here. You can’t just list it and walk away expecting it to sell, you need to do your own promotions, constant updating, great pics, great blurbs, social media promos, competitive pricing, coupons etc, etc. As with anything, give it time and put in the 110% and it will work for you. Good luck!

answered about 1 month ago

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