Beware - Stripe gives no SELLER protection even if item shows delivered

I had tracking show the item was delivered to front porch of buyer. Buyer “said” they never got it (lying to get it free?? porch pirates??). Anyway, Stripe sided with the word of the buyer (no physical proof, only their say so). I submitted USPS tracking showing it was shipped and delivered. They stated as a reason “proof of delivery doesn’t show proof of receipt”. Really? It always has before. Paypal accepts tracking as proof. So have to make sure the buyer is home to hand sign for deliveries now? Then Stripe charged me a $15 dispute fee on top of giving all money back to buyer. I have removed Stripe as a payment option in my booth. Just wanted other sellers to be aware. No seller protection from Stripe with USPS tracking.

asked 19 days ago

1 Answer

One of many reasons I will only use Paypal. But the scammers are always gonna do what they can to get something for free. If they can’t do it thru the payment processor they will simply fight it thru their credit card company. Sad times for online sellers.

answered 18 days ago

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